10 Reasons Why A Summer at Stage Door Dance is the Best Choice for Your Child

Over the years, the Summer Programming at Stage Door Dance Productions has steadily evolved. We’ve shifted beyond industry standards in the youth activity space to consider how we can best maximize a child’s time with us during the summer months.

By looking through the lens of an educator, parent, leader, and, yes, even the wonder of a child, we’ve created a dynamic program that truly sets us apart!

Here are 10 differentiating factors you can expect:

  1. Intentional Lesson Plans: We custom design in-house lesson plans for each camp, intensive, and technique accelerator to maximize lesson efficacy. This creates consistency between our locations and guarantees our programming is unique.

  2. Whole Child Approach: Yes! We want participants to love the skills and themes introduced in their summer programming. Beyond that, we want to focus on helping participants reach their fullest potential through their overall development, making sure every child is healthy, safe, engaged, supported, and challenged in their own respective journey.

  3. Socio-Emotional Components: As an extension of the whole child approach, we integrate varied socio-emotional components, including self-awareness, social awareness, self-management, interpersonal skills, and responsible decision making.

  4. Executive Functioning Integration: We bridge the technical readiness of the performing arts and the socio-emotional components with executive functioning, which highlights a participant’s readiness to activate planning, organization and self-regulation. The results will reflect in a variety of environments beyond the studio, including at home and in school.

  5. Creative Arts Enhancements: While our programming is based in the performing arts, the summer offers the opportunity to enhance concepts and conversation with Creative Arts, including process-driven visual arts, music, and literature.

  6. Structured, Device-Free Social Time: We understand that downtime and play are also key to a successful summer experience, and we integrate relaxed, structured social time into our schedules.

  7. Engaged Instructional & Leadership Team: Our full Summer Teaching Team is trained specifically for the opportunity to enhance your child’s summer experience. This includes our Leadership Team, Instructional Team, and Work Study Educational Leadership Support Team.

  8. Fully Transparent Environment: You are able to view your child in summer programming via our SpotTV Viewing System. The only time you may not be able to see your child is if we are engaged in outdoor programming or they are using the restroom/ moving through common areas.

  9. Feedback Fuels Our Progress: Through your feedback on surveys, via communication, and in conversation, we have continued evolving our summer series to create the best offerings we can possibly deliver.

  10. Weekly Benchmarks: Whether through technical proficiency or performance, each summer activation has a goal metric and benchmark for personal achievement.

Each of the components listed above are overlayed with the creative and technical elements you know and expect from Stage Door Dance Productions.

Excellence is ALWAYS our goal.

If you are looking for a performing arts experience that offers a strong return on investment while appreciating each child’s individual journey, we invite you to experience Summer at Stage Door!


SDD in NYC: The Rockette Experience