Enrollment Now Open!
Enrollment Now Open! 〰️
Stage Door Dance: Brier Creek Summer Programming
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Full- Day Camps & Intensives
Our Full Day Camps are carefully designed to create a play meets learning summer enrichment experience. Here, young artists discover and activate their aritstic talents , explore their curiosity, and activate their minds.
Designed to promote physical activity, encourage proper dance technique in a variety of styles, and ignite your performer’s inner creativity and imagination, each camp will culminate in an informal parent observation.
Campers should wear clothing comfortable for movement and socks, dance shoes, or barefeet. A detailed info sheet will be emailed the week prior to your Full Day Camp.
What to Expect at Summer Camp Info Sheet
Our Full Day Intensives are designed to create an in-depth exploration of specific dance and performance styles.
At the beginning of each week, dancers will be placed into their Intensive Track. Each day will feature: warm-ups, technique, choreography and performance skills as well as history/theory, improv, collaborative activities, and opportunities for structured fun and socialization with their tracks as well as with the entire camp cohort. The intensive week will culminate in an informal parent observation.
Participants will wear studio dress code for intensive attire.
A detailed info sheet will be emailed the Thursday prior to your Full Day Intensive.
What to Expect at Summer Intensives Info Sheet
**A $150, non-refundable deposit is required for each full day camp or intensive at the time of registration. This deposit will be applied to the final balance, which will be due prior to the camp’s start date. Note: All Camp Participants must also have a current, paid annual program registration fee ($50 per individual or $70per family). While deposits are non-refundable, you may transfer your camp enrollment at any time for a $10 transfer fee.**
Theatrical Experiences
What to Expect at Theatrical Experiences Info Sheet
This summer is your time to perform! If you are interested in the process of creating a show from start to finish, we encourage you to consider our amazing and unique Let’s Put On A Play Experience.
**A $150, non-refundable deposit is required for each camp at the time of registration to reserve your spot. This deposit will go towards your total balance due. Final payment will be due prior to the first day of the camp. While deposits are non-refundable, you may transfer your camp enrollment at any time for a $10 transfer fee.**
Technique Accelerator Series
What to Expect at Technique Accelerator Info Sheet
If you are looking to elevate your technical progress this summer in a new or familiar style, we encourage you to consider our Technique Accelerator. This program drills the basics through ballet and jazz technique, emphasizes foundational strength through flexibility and conditioning, and encourages attendees to explore, adapt, and perform a variety of dance styles from the ballet/jazz sphere.
Dancer should be the age range indicated during the designated Technique Accelerator date(s).
Pre-Pointe and Pointe Students should enroll in Technique Accelerator alongside their Pre-Pointe and Pointe Classes as a co-requisite.
**A 50%, non-refundable deposit is required for each Technique Accelerator at the time of registration to reserve your spot. This deposit will go towards your total balance due. Final payment will be due prior to the first day of the Technique Accelerator. While deposits are non-refundable, you may transfer your camp enrollment at any time for a $10 transfer fee.**
Additional Summer Info & FAQ?
General Info
The Thursday prior to each camp week, you will receive a detailed info email with specifics regarding drop-off and pick-up. We ask that you be punctual AND provide any alternative pick-up details in advance.
Please label all items with your camper’s name.
A bag with food (lunch and snack(s), all should be nut free), refillable water bottle), show and tell items or camp materials (details in your info email sent the week prior), and appropriate footwear.
Food will not be provided. Please pack your lunch, 1 snack for half-day camps, and 2 snacks for full-day camps.
Please do not send any food in for camp that contains nut products or nut butters.
Can Participate:
No symptoms of any contagious illness, including COVID-19
Cannot Participate:
Diagnosed with any contagious illness, including COVID-19
Showing symptoms of any contagious illness, including, but not limited to: fever, coughing, vomiting within the last 24 hours, pinkeye, diarrhea, lice, etc.
Please note: these are merely guidelines and suggestions to keep our community well. If you have specific wellness concerns, we recommend consulting your pediatrician for the best guidance.
You will receive a detailed camp email the Thursday prior to your camp week.
If you have opted out of communication from Stage Door Dance Productions in the past, you may not receive all camp information.
During camp days, we will be monitoring our phones and email; however, if you do not receive an immediate response, please know we are likely working with our campers.
If there is an emergency or urgent need, we will contact you.
Stage Door Dance Productions is committed to providing a high-quality, safe, fun, and engaging camp experience for our performers. As an important part of this, we focus on emotional well-being through positive behavioral expectations.
Throughout each camp, we will regularly offer check-ins to make sure each camper is engaged and enjoying the day’s activities. If there is a concerning need, we will contact a grown-up. Remember: you may also view your camper at any time via Spot TV.
During camp, we will take care of ourselves, each other, and our space. This includes exhibiting kindness through actions, choices, and words, picking up and cleaning up after each activity, and meeting group behavioral expectations.
Listening Ears On:
On the first day of each camp, camp counselors will review group expectations.
Our staff will use positive behavioral support through:
Communicating clear and appropriate expectations
Supporting campers in practicing and mastering these guidelines
Discussing concern(s) openly with the child and the parent(s)
Relying on families to share openly about their camper(s) so we can support them to the best of our ability.
We will reach out to you, the adult, if and when:
Your camper is hurt or is involved with another camper getting hurt.
Your camper is having trouble following directions and evoking safety concerns.
Your camper is having a hard time adjusting to the camp or getting along with their peers.
Your camper has a bathroom accident. (note: we will not be offering bathroom support or wiping campers in the restroom)
We believe collaboration is key and will always work with families to determine a plan of action that best meets the camper’s needs. If significant behavioral issues arise and are unable to be resolved, we reserve the right to ask a camper to leave. In this case, no refunds will be issued.
Lunch & Snack
At Stage Door Dance, we are Allergy Aware. Please do not send lunch or snacks containing nut products.
Each group will eat a time that fits their daily routine. You can view your camp’s tentative agenda under “Resources” on your SDD Parent Portal.
At Stage Door Dance, we are Allergy Aware and ask that all campers refrain from packing lunch or snack items containing nut products.
If your camper has allergies and/or a specific treatment protocol, please make sure those are communicated and documented via your SDD Parent Portal no later than 3pm on the Friday prior to your camp week.
The Camp Experience
Campers will engage in weekly themed activities that are performance/ movement based and designed to activate imagination and creativity. All of our camps and intensives have an informal observation or performance at the end of the camp week.
Our Lead Facilitators are from our core staff at Stage Door Dance Productions. All staff are background checked and subscribe to the culture, core values, and expectations of the Stage Door Dance Productions Summer Camp Curriculum.
We have several Work Study Educational Leadership Program Students that will be assisting with summer camps and programming. Work Study Students are participants at Stage Door Dance Productions.
All of our camp staff enjoy creativity, play, and understand the power of childhood enrichment.
Our camps are staffed with 1 facilitator per every 8 campers. With the support of our Work Study Educational Leadership Program, we often have even smaller camp ratios.
Only participants, staff, and scheduled guests are allowed in our facilities. If you feel that your child is unable to remain in camp without you, it may be best to wait until next year before you send them to camp. Our camp programs offer independent learning and socialization for participants.
Remember: you may view your participant at any time via SpotTV. The only time campers are not available for viewing are during outside activities or activities in common areas.
Participants will be charged a late pick-up fee at the rate of $1 per minute after the 5-minute grace period at the conclusion of camp (e.g. if a camp ends at 1pm, the late pick-up fee will activate at 1:05pm). This will be automatically posted and charged to your studio account.
Chronic or recurring late pick-ups may result in a participant forfeiting the remainder of a camp week with no refund.
4- Week Class Series at SDD: Brier Creek
What to Expect at Summer Classes Info Sheet
Learn More About Our Cohort Design
Our Limited Summer Classes at SDD: Brier Creek will be offered in a 4-Week Session. This sessions begins the week of July 7th and will end the week of July 28th. This is a great opportunity to try out our classes before the 2025-2026 Dance Season begins on August 11th.
For students intersted in becoming more involved in our programming, we also recommend our camps, intensives, theatrical experiences, and technique accelerators.
Young Dancer Division (Ages 2-5):
4:45-5:15pm Hip-Hoppin’ Peeps
5:15-5:45pm Little Stars
4:45-5:15pm Hip-Hoppin’ Peeps
5:15-6pm Twinkle Tots/ Kinder Sparkler
6-6:30pm Acro & Agility
4:45-5:15pm Hip-Hoppin’ Peeps
5:15-6pm Twinkle Tots/ Kinder Sparkler
6-6:30pm Acro & Agility
Debut/ Encore Cohorts:
6:30-7:15pm Acro
7:30-8:15pm Acro
7:30-8:15pm Acro
5:45-7:15pm Ballet & Pre-Pointe/ Pointe Technique (Instructor Placement Required)
Summer Classes Tuition Info
Registrants will pay an annual $50 registration fee for one student and a $70 registration fee for multiple students in one family. The registration fee covers one main studio season and one summer session.
During the summer session, we understand that many of our families will be vacationing. If your dancer misses a class, he/she is welcome to make-up a class in any other class for his/her age group.
50% of Summer Class Tuition is due at the time of registration. The remaining balance of Summer Class will Tuition will be due on 6/1/25.
The tuition rates below are for the entire 4-week session
1st Class
1 Hour= $90/ month
45 minutes= $85/ month
30 minutes= $80/ month
2nd Class
1 Hour= $45/ month
45 minutes= $42.50/month
30 minutes= $40/ month
3rd Class
1 Hour= $38.70/ month
45 minutes= $36.55/ month
30 minutes= $34.40/ month
4th Class
1 Hour= $30.60/ month
45 minutes= $28.90/ month
30 minutes= $27.20/ month
(Tuition will be determined with longest class duration being the “1st" Class” and scaling down, accordingly. For example, if your dancer takes a 1-hour class, a 45-minute class, and a 30-minute class, the class tuition will be $166.90 for the 4-Week Summer Session.)